사업 소개
과제 소개
소통 게시판
[구강/호흡기과제] Salivary microbiota reflecting changes in subgingival microbiota
[비뇨생식과제] Cell-Free Supernatant of Vaginal Viridans Streptococcus Induces Membrane Permeabilization and Transcriptional Regulation in Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus
[피부과제] Clinical Efficacy of 5-Fluorouracil and Bleomycin in Dermatology
[피부과제] Tetracyclines Revisited: Tetracyclines in the Field of Dermatology
[피부과제] Effect of Enterotype-Dependent Stability of the Gut Microbiome on Postgastrectomy Malnutrition in Gastric Cancer Patients
[피부과제] Itch-Relieving Cosmetics
[피부과제] Interaction between the microbiota and the skin barrier in aging skin: a comprehensive review
[장내과제] Gut microbial and human genetic signatures of inflammatory bowel disease increase risk of comorbid mental disorders
[장내과제] Swimming exercise alleviates pathological bone features in curdlan-injected SKG mice by inducing irisin expression
[장내과제] HIF-1α and MIF enhance neutrophil-driven type 3 immunity and chondrogenesis in a murine spondyloarthritis model
[장내과제] Forecasting the future prevalence of inflammatory bowel disease in Korea through 2048: an epidemiologic study employing autoregressive integrated moving average models
[장내과제] The complement factor H‑related protein‑5 (CFHR5) exacerbates pathological bone formation in ankylosing spondylitis